Case Study: Church + College Ministry

Hill Community Church and it’s Encounter Jesus Fellowship campus ministries at Caltech had several challenges. First, their websites were hosted on static sites that were difficult to update and often required the assistance of a developer.  Another challenge was the need to manage mailing lists manually in text files.  A third challenge was the manual work (and possibly mistyping) of newcomer information in spreadsheets.

They contacted Easy Cloud Solutions and we created a custom WordPress theme for them which had a much more modern look and made it far easier to update content.  Also, the WordPress theme gives them the flexibility to easily update the background graphic used for individual pages to create an entirely new look and feel within minutes.

Maintaining mailing lists is far easier for them now with Google Apps Groups.  Also, they have begun to use Google Apps Forms to ask newcomers to input their own personal information (instead of asking someone else to decipher their handwriting) and that info gets stored automatically into a Google Apps Spreadsheet, reducing manual data entry work and improving accuracy.