Cloud computing has many advantages. From having access to your business and personal files at any time to using the cloud to backup your crucial data, the cloud also allows business owners to streamline projects and cut costs on computer software. But as CIO notes, using the cloud does have its share of security concerns. To make sure your personal and business data is safe from cloud-based hackers, consider the following tips:
Understand Your Cloud Service Storage
You likely skipped through the lengthy user agreement when you signed up for cloud storage. We’re used to these wordy contracts now. Scroll, scroll, scroll, accept. But, if you skipped over it, consider going back to see exactly how the service works and what, if any, security it offers. Yes, it is a tedious document, but it also contains important information. If you discover your cloud storage service is iffy about security measures, switch to a different one.
Strengthen Password & Security Questions
USA Today says most issues with cloud-based hacking boil down to weak passwords and security questions. To reduce your risk, go into your account settings and make your password more complex. Better yet, use a password generator.
Never use the same password for more than one account.
Up the strength on your security questions and answers, too. For example, instead of giving the name of your dog as the answer to “What is the name of your pet?” add in another word that only you know, like your pet’s favorite toy or brand of doggy treats. While a hacker might successfully guess “Fido” as your pet’s name, he will probably not figure out “FidoSqueakyPig” or “FidoGravyBones.”
Place Limits on Users
Just because it’s easy for your employees to access the company data on the cloud, it does not mean you have to give carte blanche to everyone on your team. Forbes notes you should place limits on each user and use tools to track everyone’s behavior. Two-factor authentication and single sign on help to ensure the people who are attempting to get into the cloud actually belong there, and that they are truly who they are claiming to be.
Sign Up for Identity Theft Monitoring
Sometimes, despite taking every precaution you can, hackers can still figure out how to access data that is stored in the cloud. To give you an added layer of security, sign up for an identity theft monitoring service from a reputable company like LifeLock. With LifeLock, you will be alerted immediately if any of your safeguards have failed you, and knowing that the company is protecting your identity 24/7/365 will give you peace of mind.
Zip & Encrypt
Encryption is a very effective way to protect the data you store on the cloud. One of the easiest ways to do this is to zip your files and encrypt them with a password before moving them over to the cloud. This way, any hackers will have to figure out two passwords to access your data. Some cloud services provide encryption in addition to the typical storage and backup services; as mentioned earlier, this is something you want to determine by reading the user agreement. If your service does not automatically encrypt your files, you should definitely take this step yourself.