Each state has a ton of public high schools, but some really stand out.
Niche, a company that researches and compiles information on schools, just released its 2016 rankings of the best public high schools in the US. We took a look at which school earned the top slot in every state.
The ranking examined over 100,000 schools based on 27 million reviews from more than 300,000 students and parents.
They rated schools in areas like academics, teachers, student culture and diversity, and resources and facilities. (Read more about the methodology here.) Many are charter or magnet schools, meaning they pull in qualified students from around their districts.
ALABAMA: Loveless Academic Magnet Program High School

Google Maps
Location: Montgomery
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: A
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: B-
“Providing students with a tough and rigorous academic environment, Loveless consistently develops [students] that colleges are actively seeking,” one senior said. “The school makes you appreciate the value of a good education, and instills motivating values in the students.”
ALASKA: Unalaska Junior/Senior High School

The town of Unalaska, Alaska.“UnalaskaAlaska” by Wanetta Ayers
Location: Unalaska
Academics: N/A
Student culture & diversity: N/A
Teachers: N/A
Resources & facilities: N/A
“Most of our teachers know the students personally,” one junior reported of the small school, which earned an overall A+ grade from Niche. “All of our teachers encourage us to do our best and get help if needed. They are usually available before and after school for anyone who needs it.”
ARIZONA: University High School

University High School/Facebook
Location: Tucson
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: A
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: C-
“This school is challenging but definitely worth it,” one sophomore said. “If you put in the work, this school will prepare you very well for college.”
Another sophomore noted, “University High School is a unique school that gives students the freedom to express themselves through their academic experiences. Teachers are overall caring, and the variety of AP classes offered give a fantastic head-start for college.”
ARKANSAS: Haas Hall Academy

Haas Hall Academy/Facebook
Location: Farmington
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: B
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: C+
“The school is very academically accelerated and provides each student with the ability to advance when ready at any point in his or her high school career,” one junior said. “The teachers and staff are not only well-qualified but unique; each teacher has shown their spirit in each and every student at the school.”
CALIFORNIA: Granada Hills Charter School

Granada Hills Charter HS/Facebook
Location: Granada Hills
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: A+
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A
“This school is very rigorous which helps create an environment of stability, professionalism, and integrity,” a senior said.
Outside of the classroom, extracurricular opportunities are abundant. “The number of different clubs in GHCHS is astonishing, and the easiness to create a new club, too,” one senior explained. “There is American Red Cross, anime and manga club, book club, Middle Eastern student association, and many others. Everyone will find something for himself.”
COLORADO: Aspen High School

Google Maps
Location: Aspen
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: B-
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A+
“This school has changed my view of the world and I am motivated to go out into the world and become a changemaker,” a recent graduate commented. “The college counseling center is supportive and will help you recognize your dreams. This school is so unique, and you’ll find no school to be quite like it. Aspen High School creates dedicated, responsible, respectful, and kind young adults.”
CONNECTICUT: Staples High School

Staples High School
Location: Westport
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: C+
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A+
“I love Staples High School,” one senior shared. “There is a range of options in electives that one can take, great choices for future college majors. Teachers and counselors help students with schedules and any questions they may have. The whole Staples High School community is there to help and guide one another.”
DELAWARE: Charter School of Wilmington

Google Maps
Location: Wilmington
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: A-
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: B
“My experience here was truly great due to the fact that I was able to participate in extracurricular activities, along with being challenged academically and maintaining a social life,” one alum said.
Another graduate remembers learning even outside of the classroom. “The students are fantastic and frequently explore outside the textbooks,” they said. “If you make friends you are bound to learn a lot from your peers and might even venture into new topics on your own. Although the intellect of your peers may be intimidating, it is definitely a good experience and humbling.”
FLORIDA: School for Advanced Studies — South

SAS is located on the campus of Miami Dade College.Miami Dade College/Facebook
Location: Miami
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: A+
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A+
Students at SAS have the opportunity to take both college and high school classes simultaneously. “Due to the dual-enrollment-like system of the school and its unique scheduling, students are given more independence to enjoy and learn from,” one alum explained.
“Though the school is very small, the faculty and staff are very open and friendly. Students have a real sense of purpose and importance here,” they said.
GEORGIA: Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science & Technology

YouTube/Virgil Shah
Location: Lawrenceville
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: A+
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A
“Our variety of classes and club cohesion come together to help cultivate your passions in whatever field your heart is set to, and our community is more than open and willing to push you toward achieving your goals,” one recent grad said of their experience.
HAWAII: Education Laboratory Public Charter School

Google Maps
Location: Honolulu
Academics: B+
Student culture & diversity: A
Teachers: A
Resources & facilities: B
Though the school is “uniquely small, less than 500 people through K-12,” as one senior describes it, Hawaii’s best school provides students with a solid education in a close-knit environment.
“Being that this is a ‘college prep’ school, I felt confident about starting college,” one alum said. “The college and career class for juniors and seniors especially played a big part in my preparedness because I was able to explore a range of options on my own, as well as ask the college and career counselor for guidance if I wasn’t sure what my next steps were.”
IDAHO: Boise Senior High School

“Boise High School May 2007” by Andy.priest
Location: Boise
Academics: A
Student culture & diversity: B+
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: B+
“Boise has incredible students and top-of-the-line teachers,” one senior said. “There are opportunities for anyone who is willing to work hard and take initiative.”
The school also provides ample opportunities for students to go above and beyond in their studies. “I have had classes where we leave the classroom and go downtown to observe, go on scavenger hunts,” a senior explained. “These opportunities enhance our learning by giving us chances to learn outside of the classroom.”
ILLINOIS: Adlai E. Stevenson High School

Location: Lincolnshire
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: B
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A+
“The opportunities Stevenson gives its students are tremendous,” one senior said. “The state of the art technology gives students like myself a great hands-on experience with equipment some colleges don’t even possess.”
“This school is big, but that’s not a bad thing,” another sophomore commented. “Because of its size, there are a LOT of opportunities and ways for students to get involved. The students have a lot of options and always have someone to help them if they’re struggling.”
INDIANA: Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics & Humanities

Google Maps
Location: Muncie
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: A-
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A+
“The academic experience is one of complete uniqueness to most public schools,” one senior explained. “The classes are set up so that you get used to how a college class would be and you have the option to go to your teacher’s office hours, which most schools do not offer.”
IOWA: Ames High School

Google Maps
Location: Ames
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: B+
Teachers: A
Resources & facilities: B+
“Ames High has a large number of AP classes available, and we have access to ISU classes and internships,” one senior said.
Teachers make sure students don’t get overwhelmed with the rigorous curriculum though. “The teachers are engaged and knowledgeable in their areas of expertise for the most part, and all different kinds of classes are offered,” a graduate commented. “From AP chemistry to Arabic to psychology, students can find the classes they need and are interested in.”
KANSAS: Blue Valley High School

Google Maps
Location: Stilwell
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: B-
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A
“There are many opportunities for all kinds of students,” one senior commented. “We have clubs like a baking club, a debate team, a school play, and a school musical. We also have a ton of sports for students to play.”
The school also helps students prepare for college. “The AVID program provides much assistance to students regarding college, such as applying, taking tours, study tools, and other resources,” one recent graduate said.
KENTUCKY: DuPont Manual High School

Wikimedia Commons
Location: Louisville
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: A
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: B+
“Though it was really rigorous, my AP coursework helped me score at the top of my class in college,” one alum said. “I made very close in friends in high school that I am still in touch with. The teachers there were really excellent, but demanding.”
LOUISIANA: Louisiana School for Math, Science & The Arts

Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts/Facebook
Location: Natchitodes
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: B+
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A+
One senior said, “These teachers are the best in the state, I can’t imagine going back to a school without certified professors.” Another noted that “students here have the opportunity to be who they really are and interact with different people.”
MAINE: Yarmouth High School

An old cotton mill in Yarmouth, Maine.“Cotton mill, Bridge Street, Yarmouth” by Dudesleeper
Location: Yarmouth
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: C+
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A
“The vast majority of the teachers are very passionate towards teaching, which makes class a very active, and positive environment,” one senior reported. “They are also very personable with students and definitely care about their students and their achievement. It’s easy to get help when needed due to their flexibility and approachability.”
MARYLAND: Poolesville High School

Poolesville High School PTSA/Facebook
Location: Poolesville
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: A-
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: B
“Wide variety of AP and honors courses offered,” one senior said. “The workload is challenging but manageable, and most of the teachers are great.”
Others agree. “The academics at the school are extraordinary,” one alum offered. “The teachers truly make an effort to make the courses challenging and force you to work to learn things you never would have on your own.”
MASSACHUSETTS: Lexington High School

Google Maps
Location: Lexington
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: B
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A-
“From AP psychology to dystopias, poetry to improv, students are bound to enjoy the variety of classes they are able to take,” one recent graduate noted. “Along with that, there is also a wide selection of levels one can take, including APs, which students at LHS are always eager to take.”
MICHIGAN: International Academy

International Academy
Location: Bloomfield Hills
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: A
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: B+
“The rigorous curriculum offered has taught me numerous life lessons,” one senior said. “Rather than teaching memorization, it has taught me application of the material I have learned.”
Students also enjoy the friendly atmosphere that allows them to work with each other, instead of against each other. “While it is a very rigorous and challenging program, it doesn’t have the competition-like atmosphere of class ranks,” another senior noted.
“Everyone roots for each other and everyone knows everyone. All the teachers are really passionate and engaging and you develop close relationships with them since the school is so small.”
MINNESOTA: Minnetonka Senior High School

Minnetonka Senior High School/Facebook
Location: Minnetonka
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: B-
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A
“Minnetonka High School, in particular the VANTAGE program, has helped me define who I am and what I want to be when I am older,” a senior said. “Opportunities at this school are endless. Teachers really do everything and anything to help you succeed and the principal is amazing. Although this school is one of the most challenging high schools in the nation I feel it has prepared me for success far beyond college.”
MISSISSIPPI: Pass Christian High School

Google Maps
Location: Pass Christian
Academics: A
Student culture & diversity: A
Teachers: A
Resources & facilities: A-
“The academics for this high school were challenging, in a way that made learning a fun and memorable experience,” one recent graduate reported. “All of the topics provided strengthened my capabilities of undertaking college life and how I could be successful in college.”
MISSOURI: Clayton High School

Google Maps
Location: Clayton
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: B-
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A+
“Overall, the teachers at my school genuinely care about their students and try their hardest to keep us motivated to do well after high school,” one student said. “The staff at my school make it easy for students to approach them with their problems.”
One senior noted, “the teachers have very knowledgeable backgrounds in their fields, maximizing their teaching abilities.”
MONTANA: Bozeman High School

Google Maps
Location: Bozeman
Academics: A-
Student culture & diversity: C+
Teachers: A-
Resources & facilities: A-
“Bozeman High School pushed me as a student and gave me numerous opportunities to excel,” one alum reported. “I always felt supported by my teachers and I absolutely have them to thank for where I am in college now.”
The school offers a variety of classes to ensure every student finds their fit. “The academics shine here,” one student said. “If you don’t feel challenged, there are a variety of AP classes with excellent instruction. All of the teachers are enthusiastic about incorporating technology and a variety of tech, computer, art, photography, and education classes are offered.”
NEBRASKA: Westside High School

Google Maps
Location: Omaha
Academics: A
Student culture & diversity: B
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A
“The teachers are always willing to help out in the classroom and outside of the classroom setting,” one senior said. “All clubs and sports are welcoming to everyone,” they added.
The school’s unique modular scheduling system, similar to how college courses are offered, is also a plus for students. “The best part about it was that it prepared me very well for college,” one alum noted. “It provided many different class options which allowed me to explore my interests. The way the schedule was built allowed me to experience some of the freedoms of college and taught me great time management skills.”
NEVADA: Advanced Technologies Academy

Advanced Technologies Academy/Facebook
Location: Las Vegas
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: A+
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: B-
“Advanced Technologies Academy provides a rigorous high school experience, and prepares students for college life,” one senior explained. “A wide variety of Advanced Placement classes are available for those who desire an even more arduous high school career. In addition to these classes, many different clubs are available, and students are welcome to express themselves and further their interests. Finally, the teachers at the school are all so kind, and completely willing to help any students struggling to understand the material.”
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Hanover High School

“HanoverHighNH” by Ken_Gallager
Location: Hanover
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: C+
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A
“In terms of technological resources, Hanover High School is very accommodating with its two computer labs, Mac carts, iPad cart, and other equipment available for students to use,” one senior shared. “The school has decently sized classrooms that come equipped with everything needed for a lesson plan, from whiteboards to projectors.”
NEW JERSEY: High Technology High School

High Technology High School
Location: Lincroft
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: B+
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A-
“HTHS has given me a once in a lifetime experience,” one senior said. “The competitive environment of the school makes me want to strive for the best and to work hard.”
NEW MEXICO: Moreno Valley High School

Moreno Valley High School/Facebook
Location: Angel Fire
Academics: N/A
Student culture & diversity: N/A
Teachers: N/A
Resources & facilities: N/A
“This school’s main focus was teaching students what they need in order to succeed, not only in college, but in everyday atmospheres,” a recent graduate said about the school, which earned an A+ overall ranking from Niche. “My school created leaders, visionaries, and idealists, people who not only understood their potential, but wanted to use it. Anyone who graduated from this school left with a greater sense of purpose and the tools to make their goals possible and dreams a reality.”
NEW YORK: Stuyvesant High School

Via Flickr
Location: New York City
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: A
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A-
“I really love the amount of choices the school gives,” a recent alum said. “There are so many unique classes, like New York City history, Jewish history, organic chemistry, science fiction, Asian American literature, and women’s voices.”
Another alum noted that “it’s really a great training for the real world, and I would definitely spend my four high school years here again given the choice.”
NORTH CAROLINA: The Early College at Guilford

Google Maps
Location: Greensboro
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: A
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A
“For any hard-working student, the Early College is really the only option,” one senior declared. “It combines a rigorous academic program with a great selection of academic extracurriculars in a small (almost like a family) community.”
“All the teachers truly care about the students and want to see them accomplish great things,” a junior said.
NORTH DAKOTA: Ellendale High School

Google Maps
Location: Ellendale
Academics: N/A
Student culture & diversity: N/A
Teachers: N/A
Resources & facilities: N/A
“There are many sports and clubs to join and be a part of,” one alum said of the school, which earned an A- overall grade from Niche. “Some of the fun things to take part in are Students Against Destructive Decisions, student government, drama, and sports.”
OHIO: Indian Hill High School

Indian Hill Schools
Location: Cincinnati
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: C+
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A+
“Almost all of the teachers I have had at this school are amazing at their jobs,” one senior said. “They understand what they’re teaching and can relay it to the students in a way that everyone can understand.”
OKLAHOMA: Booker T. Washington High School

Wikimedia Commons
Location: Tulsa
Academics: A
Student culture & diversity: A+
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A
“The student body is diverse, accepting, and I’m learning new things everyday,” one freshman commented. “You never feel undervalued, underestimated, or unaccepted for your differences, generally.”
The caliber of instructors makes a big difference to students as well. “The teachers at Booker T. are of the highest quality,” one senior said. “Their teaching styles may be varied, but each possesses the common trait of superior command of their subject matter, their ability to pass on that knowledge, and genuine care for all students. Most importantly, the teachers at Booker T. prepare students well for college.”
OREGON: Lake Oswego Senior High School

Homes in Lake Oswego, Oregon.Google Maps
Location: Lake Oswego
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: C+
Teachers: A
Resources & facilities: B+
“Our school offers a lot of classes that are challenging and are excellent in preparing students for college,” one student said. “The workload is a ton, but that’s what helps our students achieve many things.”
Outside of the classroom, there’s plenty of ways for students to get involved. “The amount of variety is greatly appreciated and students are always encouraged to participate in as many activities as possible,” one senior explained.
PENNSYLVANIA: Conestoga Senior High School

“Conestoga High School” by OnlyInAmerica
Location: Berwyn
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: B-
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A+
“My children have loved every aspect of their experiences at Conestoga High School,” one parent noted. “The classes are appropriate for their academic levels and interests. Each of my children have been able to find leadership opportunities in the classroom and within the school community, allowing them to flourish.”
RHODE ISLAND: East Greenwich High School

Google Maps
Location: East Greenwich
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: C+
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A-
“The size of the student body makes for a close-knit community,” one alum said. “There are ample opportunities to get involved between sports teams, clubs, and volunteer work. The school itself is very well kept and clean.
“The teachers really care about their students and are always available for extra help or make ups,” they added.
SOUTH CAROLINA: Academic Magnet High School

Google Maps
Location: North Charleston
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: B-
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A
“Students feel accepted and feel that their intellectual abilities are fostered,” one parent commented. “Even if a student does not stand out at Magnet, they have adopted an attitude that will set them apart and help them lead others in any environment outside of school. The students set high expectations for themselves and believe that there is little they cannot accomplish.”
SOUTH DAKOTA: Brandon Valley High School

Brandon Valley High School/Facebook
Location: Brandon
Academics: B+
Student culture & diversity: C+
Teachers: A-
Resources & facilities: A-
“The academics are above and beyond any of the schools in the surrounding areas and ranked first in the state,” one sophomore said. “Along with the great education, the opportunities we have to be involved in our community are plentiful.”
TENNESSEE: Hume-Fogg Academic Magnet School

Google Maps
Location: Nashville
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: A
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: B-
“This school 100% prepares you for college experiences,” one graduate reported. “It may be hard, but it is worth it. College is a breeze compared to high school and I am glad I was prepared well for it.”
Many students also build lasting relationships during their time at Hume-Fogg. “The sense of community is unlike any other,” one senior said. “I have loved every minute of my time there and even though stress can get to you and you can start to feel like you’re not as good as your peers, someone is always there for you and the teachers always truly want the best for you.”
TEXAS: Liberal Arts & Science Academy

Google Earth
Location: Austin
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: A
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: B+
“The community and atmosphere of LASA is amazing,” one senior said. “The mandatory signature courses forced me to explore things I didn’t think I enjoyed, and helped me decide on a career path at an early age.”
Parents agree. “It is by far the best high school in Austin,” one commented. “The depth of material covered is impressive, and kids are totally prepared when they go to college. Signature course are excellent. Atmosphere is very accepting. It’s okay to be different.”
UTAH: Beehive Science & Technology Academy

Google Maps
Location: Sandy
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: B-
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: N/A
“Every teacher at the school goes above and beyond both inside and outside of the classroom,” one sophomore said. “Every teacher is very knowledgeable about what they teach and show a great interest in their students. Although the teaching styles may not appeal to everyone, the teachers ensure that every student fully understands the concept being taught.”
VERMONT: South Burlington High School

Wikimedia Commons
Location: South Burlington
Academics: A
Student culture & diversity: B
Teachers: A
Resources & facilities: A
“Great academics, good teachers, lots of AP classes,” one student reported.
Opportunities are vast outside of the classroom as well. “There are so many great extracurricular activities at our school,” one senior said. “South Burlington features clubs such as Bollywood dance, green team, and key club.”
VIRGINIA: Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology

Google Maps
Location: Alexandria
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: B+
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: B
“One of the best reasons to attend TJ is the rigorous curriculum and competitive environment it fosters,” one senior said. “The school offers a plethora of college-level courses, especially in math and sciences. In addition to the regular courses, the school offers 15 specialized research labs covering a broad range, from astrophysics to neuroscience.” Outside of the classroom, the school also offers more than 200 extracurricular clubs and activities.
WASHINGTON: Interlake Senior High School

Google Maps
Location: Bellevue
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: A
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: B+
“I loved Interlake High School,” one alum said. “Not only did it provide me with the opportunity to challenge myself with AP and IB classes, but it taught me to value discussion, diversity, and community involvement. Students and teachers were very supportive and inclusive.”
WEST VIRGINIA: University High School

University High School
Location: Morgantown
Academics: B
Student culture & diversity: C+
Teachers: B+
Resources & facilities: A-
“Our school is very new, so all of the resources and facilities are very state-of-the-art,” one junior said. “Some of the technologies include: Smartboards, laptops, computer labs, iPads, etc.”
The school also places an emphasis on strong academics. “AP and Honors classes are popular,” one student noted. “They also have areas of study such as engineering, medical, etc. VoTech school and half day work programs are also available for those who want to do that.”
WISCONSIN: Brookfield East High School

Elmsbrook Schools
Location: Brookfield
Academics: A+
Student culture & diversity: B-
Teachers: A+
Resources & facilities: A-
“The teachers here are very interesting and have good communication skills,” one sophomore reported. “All of them are very good at helping struggling students. They are very approachable and friendly.”
WYOMING: Big Horn High School

Location: Big Horn
Academics: A
Student culture & diversity: B-
Teachers: A
Resources & facilities: A+
“Academics here at Big Horn push students to do their best,” one student said. “Kids at whatever academic level are challenged.”
The outstanding teachers enhance the learning environment as well. “It’s very easy to get one-on-one time with a teacher, even during class, when needed,” one senior explained. “Teachers use a variety of methods to teach so if a student doesn’t understand it one way, they may get it from another method.”