Google’s Project Fi has tweaked its plans to make the service more attractive to heavy data users. The MVNO has launched a new feature called Bill Protection that will cap your $10 per GB data bill at $60 a month, while still allowing you to use as much data as you want, essentially creating its own version of an unlimited data plan.

Prior to today, Project Fi users were charged $10 per GB no matter how much data they used, which could become quite costly for heavy users. Bill Protection should help alleviate those worries for most users. Google says those who use up to 15GB of data in a month won’t experience any throttling, but if they cross that threshold — Google says less than 1 percent of its users pass that mark — they will “experience slower data” with speeds going down to 256kbps.

If you don’t want to be throttled when you pass 15GB in a month, Google says you can pay the usual $10 per GB to opt out of the slower speeds. It also noted that Bill Protection for Project Fi users on group plans will kick in at different usage levels, depending on the size of your group.

Everything else with Project Fi’s plan will stay the same. If you use less data, you’ll still pay less money, and Bill Protection will work on data-only plans and when you’re traveling internationally as well. Project Fi says the update will start rolling out to individual and group plans today, and current users will see the changes on their next billing cycle.

It’s very good that Fi will cap your bill but let you unthrottle speeds if you want.

Weirdly, I wish there was more fine print. How does the throttling work? What speeds? Are other things getting downrezzed like video or audio? 

After 15 GBs, individual users will see slower speeds. Video isn’t treated any differently. More info here: 

Update January 17th, 12:10PM ET: Updated with additional info from Google.