Vault is optional and adds archiving, e-discovery and information governance capabilities for an additional $5/user/month.

Google Apps Vault helps protect your business from legal risks.

Search the archive for relevant email and chat messages.

Preserve messages beyond their standard retention periods.

Export messages for further review and analysis.

Retention policies

Define retention policies that are automatically applied to your email and chat messages.

Email and chat archiving

Your email and chat messages are archived and retained according to your policies, preventing inadvertent deletions.


Be prepared for litigation and compliance audits with powerful search tools that help you find and retrieve relevant email and chat messages.

Legal hold

Place legal holds on users as needed. Email and chat messages can’t be deleted by users when they’re placed on hold.


Export specific email and chat messages to standard formats for additional processing and review.


Run reports on user activity and actions in the archive. Searches, message views, exports and more are shown.

Information Governance

Google Apps Vault allows you to reduce risk and costs associated with litigation and compliance audits. For an additional $5/user/month, you can add capabilities that help your business be prepared for these situations.

Archive and manage in place

A single archive for email and chat messages where the data is managed in-place. Governance policies are applied directly to the data store, eliminating the need to duplicate data in a separate archive which helps reduce the risks associated with data movement and spoliation. A robust audit trail provides complete visibility across the archive.

Retain business documents

Email and chat retention policies allow businesses to define standard retention policies for Gmail and chat messages. Once a message reaches the end of the retention period, disposition is automatic to ensure compliance with retention policies. The automated process ensures that no data subject to a legal hold is deleted and reduces the risks of spoliation and noncompliance. Message holds help ensure email and chat messages can be preserved beyond their standard retention period for a legal matter or an investigation.

Find relevant documents

eDiscovery tools allow authorized users to search through the archive for data that may be relevant to a specific matter or investigation. Google search algorithms can search domain wide, across large amounts of email in the archive and return results quickly. From the search results, authorized users can define and manage collections of message search results and collaborate with others to manage them. Email can be exported from the archive for further review and processing.

Designed for security

Google Apps Vault is designed for security and reliability with features like encrypted connections to Google’s servers, simultaneous replicated storage for your messages, built-in disaster recovery and sharing controls that let your users collaborate securely on matters. Learn more.