by ray | Jul 17, 2018 | Google, Google Cloud Platform
Google Cloud’s new region in Los Angeles is now online, the company announced today. This isn’t exactly a surprise, given that Google had previously announced a July launch for the region, but it’s a big step for Google, which now boasts five cloud regions in the...
by ray | Jul 17, 2018 | Azure, Microsoft
There’s been a huge increase in the need to get trained in Microsoft Azure, and as a result the interest / need to get certified in Azure has been increasing as well. The only difficulty with the certification is there are 3 primary Microsoft certification exams on...
by ray | Jul 17, 2018 | Atlassian
You need to purchase a license for 25 users or more ($1500) in order to receive support. Read this for more info.
by ray | Jul 17, 2018 | SEO, Web, Wordpress
How to beat high authority sites with fewer links using silo structure I want to show you something that on the surface defies logic. Let’s look at the keyword “christian mingle reviews,” a good keyword with solid search volume. Definitely in the “doable” KD range,...
by ray | Jul 17, 2018 | Google, Google Cloud Platform
Google offers sustained use discounts which are automatic discounts that you get for running specific Compute Engine resources a significant portion of the billing month. Sustained use discounts apply to the following resources: Predefined machine types The vCPUs and...