by ray | Feb 12, 2019 | Microsoft, Azure
Every new Azure AD tenant comes with an initial domain name, You can’t change or delete the initial domain name, but you can add your organization’s names to the list. Adding custom domain names helps you to create user names...
by ray | Feb 11, 2019 | General News, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Tech News
I had an audio clip (length – 32 min, 21 seconds) that I ran through both the Google Cloud’s Speech-to-Text Model and Google Cloud’s Video-to-Text Model. Here are the results. Total # of words: 3,956Total # of characters: 20,970Total # of pages: 7...
by ray | Feb 7, 2019 | Tech News
Curriculum for ages 9-14 The activities below introduce students to computer science and the programming language Scratch. Different themes attract and engage students of varying backgrounds and interests. All materials are free and easy to use. Sample activities...
by ray | Feb 7, 2019 | Tech News
“Do I give (kid’s name) something educational, or something fun?” As parents, relatives, and friends of people with children, we face this question every holiday season, birthday, etc. – because no matter the occasion, we’re torn between pleasing the...
by ray | Feb 3, 2019 | Education, General News
“Good morning, Mr. Kelley!” Over the past year, I’ve enjoyed hearing this cheerful greeting from my students at the start of every class. No, I’m not a teacher; I’m a Senior Java Developer at Atlassian. But this year, I’ve been able to teach kids computer science...