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Tutorial: Install a LAMP Web Server on Amazon Linux 2

The following procedures help you install an Apache web server with PHP and MariaDB (a community-developed fork of MySQL) support on your Amazon Linux 2 instance (sometimes called a LAMP web server or LAMP stack). You can use this server to host a static website or...

Work smarter, better, and faster with weekly tips and how-tos

The unfortunate reality about running a web service is that every now and again, you’re going to have downtime. Even the best web companies have the occasional blip in service. If downtime is inevitable, then it’s best to plan ahead so that you can be ready. After...

The Ultimate Guide to WordPress on AWS EC2

Step 1: Connecting to an Instance Before you can connect, you need to make a note of your server’s IP address (write it down!). Go back to your EC2 Control Panel and find your Public IP address. It’s the area that’s highlighted in the screenshot below… Next, you will...

AWS setup for Awesome Fast WordPress Server

I'm about to be released into the wild as a free roaming web developer. I won't have the company hosting anymore and it's damn well about time I got my own shit sorted. After a little reading I have decided to give Amazon Web Services a try. So far I am loving it. I...