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Social Warfare Review: What Is Social Warfare?
Social Warfare is a powerful WordPress social sharing plugin that helps you add social share buttons to your site, as well as social media metadata and plenty of other cool features. For my Social Warfare review, I’ll be looking at the Pro version. In the Pro version,...
WP Rocket Review: A 47% Faster Website. Is It Worth Paying For?
You need your WordPress site to load fast. In my WP Rocket review, I’ll show you how WP Rocketcan help you achieve that – it sped up my test site by 47%, which is pretty dang awesome. This plugin offers an all-in-one approach to WordPress performance optimization that...
W3 Total Cache Review
Site speed is something that we take very seriously. In order to make sure that our site scales and sustain huge loads of traffic without crashing, we utilize the W3 Total Cache plugin. It also helps us integrate with MaxCDN. W3 Total Cache plugin is used on sites...
InMotion Hosting: How to Enable gzip Compression
What is mod_deflate? mod_deflate is an apache module that can be used to compress data using gzip compression before sending it to the user. For bandwidth intensive websites, using this feature can offer a benefit, as the server is compressing data before sending it...
InMotion Hosting: Enable Free SSL in cPanel
It is now possible to install a Free SSL for any domain in your account using our new Manage Free SSL tool. For your convenience, the Free SSL tool is available in the Account Management Panel. If you have a Reseller Account, please see our guide on How to Add FreeSSL...