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Magical Chrome extension puts tabs to sleep so they don’t kill your browser
IMAGE: MASHABLE, LUKE LEONARD People are loyal to their web browsers, and Google Chrome is certainly one with a dedicated following. But one of users' biggest gripes with Chrome is its tendency to suck memory and slow down computers when tabs are left open. A...
President Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka are unveiling a new federal computer science initiative with major tech backers
Plus, tech giants like Amazon, Facebook and Google will commit new support to coding education President Donald Trump will issue a new directive Monday to supercharge the U.S. government’s support for science, tech, engineering and mathematics, including coding...
Amazon Just Announced How It’s Changing Whole Foods. It All Starts On Monday
Article by Bill Murphy Jr. CREDIT: Getty Images Amazon just announced how it's changing Whole Foods--and at the same time provided our latest answer to the question: Just how powerful is Amazon, anyway? Because we already knew it's powerful enough to dominate 43...
Amazon is teaming up with its one-time enemy VMware to go beyond the cloud, says report
New AWS software could help companies move on-premises applications to the public cloud. The initial product stemming from the AWS-VMware partnership could be delayed. Andy Jassy, CEO of Amazon Web Services and Infrastructure. Amazon Web Services is thinking about...
The cloud wars explained: Amazon is dominating, but Microsoft and Google are striking back
The cloud computing market is dominated by some familiar names. Amazon's cloud service is its most profitable unit. Microsoft has pegged its future to its cloud computing businesses, leading to a very enthusiastic response from Wall Street. Google, too, is betting big...
Explain AWS Services in Old-School Term
When I start playing Amazon AWS, one of thing struggling me is the service name introduced by Amazon. As the old-school system admin, I think this infographic may help someone like me to understand the aws services better. Compute Storage Database Networking &...