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Predicting the next Slack: Finding sticky cloud apps with cult-like followings
Slack has become at a remarkably quick rate one of the most popular cloud apps used across businesses. In just over two years, the app added more than two million daily users who collectively spend more than 320 million hours connected to the app, sending 1.5 billion...
ZipBooks wants to shake up the accounting software market by helping customers collect cash
The accounting software industry is, contrary to what you might think, a pretty interesting place. Characterized by three large vendors that hold the lion's share of the market in their respective geographies, until recently it has been a fairly sedentary place with...
How To Check If You’ve Been Hacked Within Seconds
Even if your password is a bit more complicated that “qwerty,” your information is always out there in the big, bad world of the Internet. Just this week, it was revealed that hundreds of millions of account details had been stolen from many popular email services and...
Databricks, Apache Spark and Big Data
Study after study shows that one of the best jobs in tech these days is the "data scientist." It's a job that's high in demand, with not enough qualified people in the market, so the pay is high. For instance, "data scientist" was recently named the No. 1 best job in...
10 big logo design trends for 2016
en building a brand, there’s nothing more important than your logo – and no one wants to look dated or like they used a logo maker. That means more experimentation with on-going trends, the resurfacing of classic styles and a few new surprises along the way. Without...
This startup makes getting freelance help for your business as easy as sending a chat
Getting freelance help for business projects often feels more like dating than time-saving. Businesses have to post an attractive task, pick a freelancer to do it (based on little information) and then hope it’s a good match and that the work comes back at a...