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5 Quality Email Marketing Tools Not Named AWeber

Sign up for just about any old online newsletter these days and there’s a good chance that the confirmation email you receive will include the mark of AWeber, perhaps the name in vertical response marketing. And why shouldn’t it be so recognizable? It’s got plenty of...

The Amazon Dash Button Fiasco

Perhaps the giddiness over the Amazon Dash button is from boosters giving Amazon the benefit of the doubt. But far too many pundits and general observers are enamored with everything Amazon does. Under any other circumstance the idea would be seen for what it is:...

WooThemes joins WordPress parent company Automattic

WooThemes is joining the Automattic family in a bid to make eCommerce sites more plentiful. According to WooThemes, its flagship product, WooCommerce, already powers over 24% of online stores. Automattic runs popular the popular blogging platform WordPress and add-ons...