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The pros and cons of public, private and hybrid clouds

By now, you've heard about the cloud -– and you’ve also likely heard about the benefits of using cloud computing for your business or enterprise. But people outside the world of IT may not know that there are multiple types of cloud — and we're not talking about...

WordPress: is it safe to use for my websites?

Avid readers of ZDNet have noticed that we ran a number of articles in recent weeks and months about security issues found in the popular WordPress CMS and blogging platform. Even the FBI issued a warning about WordPress sites being vulnerable to hacking by ISIS. This...

LucidChart raises the bar for diagramming applications

LucidChart, a new web-based diagramming and visual thinking application, has raised the bar for this genre of software with superlative usability and a wealth of advanced features that will delight power users. Yet it’s intelligently designed so it won’t overwhelm...

WORKetc Review – All-In-One Business Management Software

Compartmentalization is a dangerous pitfall that traps business of all shapes and sizes, often without its victim’s notice. Over time, different departments within a company have the tendency to separate themselves from each other, only communicating with each other...