
Our Latest News

Younity 1.5 could render cloud storage obsolete

As we’ve become a more mobile society—working from virtually anywhere on our smartphones and tablets—we’ve also embraced various cloud storage and file sharing tools, so we can access and collaborate on our data. Younity has an entirely different approach, and it...

Everything Is a List

The genius of WorkFlowy, the note-taking app that changed the way I organize my life. For as long as I’ve been using computers, I’ve been searching for the perfect way to take digital notes. In theory, computers should be a natural place to keep all of the to-dos,...

Trello versus Asana

For the past several years I’ve undertaken many initiatives to “get more organized,” which basically means to make another attempt at implementing and running a solid task list that I can share with others with whom I collaborate. I seem to be really good at kicking...