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Google Launches Monthly User-activity Feature

Article written by Doug Gross. (CNN) -- Weeks after a policy change that sparked privacy concerns, Google has rolled out a new feature that will give users a monthly update to help them keep track of their activity across Google's multiple sites and tools. It's called...

2 WordPress Plugins Your Blog Suffers Without

Article written by Warren Wooden. How has your blog been doing lately? Do you continue to get more traffic, more subscribers, more comments and a lot more backlinks? If not, then it might be because you are doing something wrong. There are a lot of things that you...

The 22 Most Popular WordPress Plugins Ever

Article written by Joe Foley. If you’ve ever wonder what the most popular WordPress plugins were, the following list gives you a rundown. All of the following plugins have been downloaded over 1 million times. Of course that measurement of popularity can be quibbled...

New WordPress Plugin Locks Down Your Website’s Security

Article written by Angela West. You've got virus protection on all of your business computers, passwords in place on mobile devices and laptops, and even virus protection on your company smartphones. But have you looked at how secure your website is? If you rely on...

GQueues Mobile Launched

You can now create, edit and manage your tasks on the go, even offline, with GQueues Mobile. To get started just go to on your mobile device. It is only available for users with a paid subscription or free trial account. However, if you are a GQueues...

Windows on the iPad: OnLive Desktop Plus

You’re probably paying something like $60 a month for high-speed Internet. I’m paying $5 a month more, and my connection is 1,000 times faster. OnLive Desktop Plus gives the iPad ultrafast Flash Web browsing and the full Microsoft Office suite. Your iPad can’t play...