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Comparing the Accuracy of Automatic Transcription Services
How do the different automatic transcription services compare in accuracy? And are any of them good enough for your audio? In the last few years, automatic speech recognition has gotten really good. Computer models now understand speech as...
Evaluate speech-to-text services from AWS, Microsoft and Google
Amazon Transcribe, Microsoft Azure Speech to Text and Google Cloud Speech-to-Text enable developers to create dictation applications that can automatically generate transcriptions for audio files, as well as captions for video files. Development teams can weave these...
State of the Market: Voice dictation APIs
Transcribe-bot monster meltdown: DeepSpeech, Dragon, Google, IBM, MS, and more! Speech has been a near-impossible field for computers until recently, and as talking to my computer has been something I dreamed of as a kid, I have been tracking the field as it...
IBM spent $34 billion to take on Amazon. Can it succeed?
Earlier this year, there were signs that IBM really might pull off a turnaround. After more than five years of shrinking revenues, Big Blue reported three quarters of growth in a row. Sure, that growth wasn’t coming from new businesses, but from milking the upside in...
Follow Links Vs. No Follow Links: Should You Care?
Those new to SEO might be wondering what all the hullabaloo is about follow links vs. no follow links. Confused? Not to worry, we’re going to clear it all up. What is a Follow Link? To really understand what is going on with follow vs. no follow links, we need to...
Google Employees Stage Massive Walkout at Silicon Valley HQ
Mason Trinca/Getty Today, thousands of Google employees staged a company walkout to protest Google executives’ alleged protection of sexual harassers at the company. The walkout at the Company’s HQ in Mountain View, California, is reportedly the largest worldwide....