by ray | Oct 8, 2019 | Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon, ITAR
If you are serving as a Solution Provider and reselling in AWS GovCloud (US), you must create an IAM user to sign in to the AWS Management Console for the AWS GovCloud (US) Region. If you received your account credentials through a Solution Provider, please contact...
by ray | Oct 8, 2019 | Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon, ITAR, Security
Lock Away Your AWS Account Root User Access Keys You use an access key (an access key ID and secret access key) to make programmatic requests to AWS. However, do not use your AWS account root user access key. The access key for your AWS account root user gives full...
by ray | Oct 8, 2019 | Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon, Security, Tech News
Should you own Amazon stock? It would certainly be a better investment if its most profitable business, AWS, was growing faster. And the odds of that happening would be better if the industry in which it competes — cloud services — was accelerating. But news that...
by ray | Oct 2, 2019 | Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon, Security, Tech News
On Monday evening, federal prosecutors said a tech worker named Paige A. Thompson had been charged with computer fraud and abuse on allegations that she stole data from millions of Capital One customers. In the complaint, we get some technical details about how...
by ray | Aug 29, 2019 | Amazon
Amazon’s announcement that it will invest US$700 million to retrain 100,000 employees—a third of its U.S. workforce—in new technologies is the latest reminder that the much-heralded future of work is well underway. Policy makers, analysts, and scholars trying to...
by ray | Aug 22, 2019 | Amazon
Amazon Inc.’s plan to upskill employees claims that several occupations are growing at phenomenal rates. The fastest growing, what Amazon dubs “data mapping specialist,” is telling. It may point to Amazon’s efforts to improve delivery times....