by ray | Apr 12, 2019 | Artificial Intelligence, Amazon, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, Google, Google Cloud Platform, Machine Learning, Microsoft
Amazon Transcribe, Microsoft Azure Speech to Text and Google Cloud Speech-to-Text enable developers to create dictation applications that can automatically generate transcriptions for audio files, as well as captions for video files. Development teams can weave these...
by ray | Apr 12, 2019 | Artificial Intelligence, Google, Google Cloud Platform, Machine Learning
Transcribe-bot monster meltdown: DeepSpeech, Dragon, Google, IBM, MS, and more! Speech has been a near-impossible field for computers until recently, and as talking to my computer has been something I dreamed of as a kid, I have been tracking the field as it...
by ray | Feb 11, 2019 | General News, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Tech News
I had an audio clip (length – 32 min, 21 seconds) that I ran through both the Google Cloud’s Speech-to-Text Model and Google Cloud’s Video-to-Text Model. Here are the results. Total # of words: 3,956Total # of characters: 20,970Total # of pages: 7...