by ray | Sep 19, 2016 | General News
Computer programming jobs may be declining, but coding is becoming the most in-demand skill across industries. Apart from companies in the technology sector, there are an increasing number of businesses relying on computer code. No wonder that eight of the top 25 jobs...
by ray | Sep 19, 2016 | General News
Premier Farnell, the biggest maker of the wildly popular Raspberry Pi minicomputer, is now being acquired by Daetwyler Holding AG, a Swiss industrial component supplier, for approximately $871 million. According to Bloomberg, the union will reportedly allow both...
by ray | Sep 15, 2016 | General News
en building a brand, there’s nothing more important than your logo – and no one wants to look dated or like they used a logo maker. That means more experimentation with on-going trends, the resurfacing of classic styles and a few new surprises along the way. Without...
by ray | Sep 15, 2016 | General News
Getting freelance help for business projects often feels more like dating than time-saving. Businesses have to post an attractive task, pick a freelancer to do it (based on little information) and then hope it’s a good match and that the work comes back at a...
by ray | Sep 15, 2016 | Tech News, General News
GOOGLE’S PARENT COMPANY, Alphabet, is now the most valuable company in the world. On Monday, Alphabet released its fourth-quarter earnings, for the first time in its short existence. (As a quick refresher: Google gave itself a parent company last year so that it could...
by ray | Sep 15, 2016 | General News, Google, Google Workspace
Chromebooks have emerged as the clear leader in the classroom, reports CNBC, leaving former market leader Apple for dust. Chromebooks now make up more than half of all devices in U.S. classrooms, up from less than 1 percent in 2012, according to a new report from...