by ray | Jul 18, 2015 | Cloud Tools, General News, Tech News
If you need help better integrating and optimizing your cloud tools, EasyCloud’s team of experts is here to help. In today’s Age of the Customer, businesses need to be agile, to keep pace and grow at scale. That’s why so many have turned to the cloud....
by ray | Jul 14, 2015 | Cloud Tools, General News
App fatigue is real, and in some cases, an app doesn’t even make sense. At a time when many companies remain laser-focused on getting people to download their apps, some companies have found that in the real world, the app is just one tool in the box, and not right...
by ray | Jul 13, 2015 | Cloud Tools
Modern-day enterprise planning solutions are the lifeblood of big businesses. These provide a means to manage assets and all kinds of resources such as staffing, raw materials and clients. That sounds great if you’re running a big business, but what about the little...
by ray | Jul 13, 2015 | Cloud Tools, Google, Google Workspace
We’ve all had those moments of instant email regret — you hit send on a note with a typo or replied all when your message was meant for just one person. Since 2009, Gmail’s “Undo Send” function has lived in Gmail Labs, the hub where the...
by ray | Jul 13, 2015 | Cloud Tools
As an entrepreneur, the one thing that I consistently wish for is for more hours in a day. Every startup has so many things to get done that getting all the boxes checked each day seems well-nigh impossible. However, I won’t give in to the friendly startup...
by ray | Jul 13, 2015 | Cloud Tools, Tech News
Microsoft Office files are among the most uploaded, edited and shared files in Box. In fact, there are over a billion Word, Excel and PowerPoint files in Box right now, with millions more added each day! With so much work being done using Box and Microsoft Office, we...