by ray | Jun 17, 2015 | Cloud Tools, Google, Google Workspace
FreshBooks now provides the ability for you to attach your credit card, bank account, and PayPal account and we will automatically bring in your expenses everyday for North American customers. Goodbye manual entry work. To add a bank account to your FreshBooks...
by ray | Jun 15, 2015 | Cloud Tools, Security
Best practices for IT security are often easier to define than to implement. We are doing our best to define best practices at the AWS Security Center, backed up with services and security features that are as easy to implement as possible. In this vein, I want to...
by ray | Jun 13, 2015 | Cloud Tools
Apparently, you can hack anything these days. I just read an article that taught me 9 Hacks to Making a Sandwich Faster. (Don’t ask why I read it, it just sucked me in. Plus, who doesn’t want to eat anything sooner?) Press is cool because you never know who’s going to...
by ray | Jun 12, 2015 | Cloud Tools, Google, Google Workspace
Android/iOS/Web: If you’re still on the hunt for a solid Astrid alternative (or just a really good to-do app to try), GQueues may be the perfect choice. It’s packed with useful features, integrates nicely with Gmail/Google Apps, supports iOS and Android...
by ray | Jun 12, 2015 | Cloud Tools, Google, Google Workspace
It isn’t a secret that one of the main success factors for FreshBooks has been our Support Team. Since day one, we saw a horribly underserved group of small business owners who were ignored by big business. They didn’t have large corporate bank accounts, didn’t spend...
by ray | Jun 5, 2015 | Cloud Tools, Security
We want to encourage everyone to be proactive about their security online. That’s why we’re supporting National Cybersecurity Awareness Month by sharing simple steps you can take to protect your accounts. Even if a website or app has strong security controls, your...