Google Prompt streamlines two-step verification

It seems like not a week goes by without news of a major password hack, and the subsequent reminders to turn on two-factor verification for all of your devices and services. So, to make the process that much simpler on your end (but not any potential hacker’s...

The Internet of Way Too Many Things

Article written by Allison Arieff. At a design conference recently, I was introduced to Leeo, a new product that I initially understood to be a reboot of something really in need of a redesign: the smoke detector. As the designer explained his process, I quickly came...

Strengthening the Security of Your Cloud Storage 

If your business stores some of its data in the cloud, you’ve got a lot of company there. According to RightScale’s fourth annual industry survey, 93 percent of businesses with more than 1,000 employees use a cloud service to store data. But is data safe...