Do you log hours in FreshBooks and then turn them into an invoice (or want to start)? Now you can do it in less steps!

Add un-billed time directly to any invoice.

When you create or edit an invoice, any un-billed time for your client can be added right there on the spot. This is great when you want to add some more hours to an existing invoice, or generate a super-quick invoice for your billable time. This works very similar to adding re-billable expenses to an invoice (another handy feature for getting the invoice out the door!)

In order to be able add your un-billed time, you need to be logging your billable hours in the Time Tracking tab.

Then, when you go to create or edit an invoice for a client with unbilled hours, you will be given two options for adding your billable time:

“Add all unbilled time” to quickly add all your unbilled hours for that client
“Choose time to add” to select a specific project(s), date range and a display options
With option two, the formatting choices are the same as when you generate an invoice from billable time in the Time Tracking tab.

Finally, just click “Add Time” and your invoice is ready to go so you can get paid!