Article written by Lilly Hanscom.

Here are answers to some of the questions we thought you might have for Bernardo de Albergaria, who is VP and GM of Collaboration for Citrix, following the announcement of Podio being acquired by Citrix.

Why did Citrix acquire Podio?

To put it simply, we like the product and we like the people. They’re a really great group!

But to be specific, we feel strongly that Podio aligns with the Citrix goal to provide simple-to-use cloud-based services that are built for business yet create great experiences, helping people to work together more effectively – wherever, whenever.

How will Podio customers be affected by the acquisition?

You’ll start seeing the Citrix brand on the Podio website, but beyond that, not much should change for you. Podio will continue to provide its great service to you, just as it always has. As we move forward, the Podio team will be working with their new colleagues at Citrix to offer even greater value for Podio users and customers.

Will Podio still be free?

Podio will continue to offer a free option as well as a premium service choice. Details on pricing can be found at

Tell us a little about Citrix collaboration tools.

Citrix collaboration solutions allow people to connect with each other online for meetings, presentations and training sessions. GoToMeeting includes HDFaces group video conferencing, which lets people meet face-to-face in high definition video while they work together on documents or give presentations. GoToTraining facilitates e-learning, including interactive tools just for trainers. GoToWebinar is our presentation powerhouse, which enables people to reach out to larger groups online, such as for marketing webinars or companywide meetings. And HiDef Corporate provides cost-effective global audio conferencing capabilities. All of these solutions are extremely simple to use and work for everyone. You can even attend meetings on your iPhone or iPad!

What is the Citrix company culture like?

Citrix is a global team of passionate, high-energy, hardworking individuals who strive to create great experiences for our customers. Our employees are creative, collaborative and caring – and frankly, we love to have fun!

At Citrix, our vision is a world where people can work and play from anywhere. We support today’s new way of working – one that is mobile, social, flexible, and fast on its feet. And that’s how we work as well. We might work in the office, at home, in coffee shops, airports – you name it, we’ve probably worked there. As a global company with employees in just about every time zone, we are “always on” and we use our technology to stay connected to our data and to each other wherever we may be. We call this ability to work anytime, anywhere “workshifting.”

But that doesn’t mean we don’t know when to take a break. We definitely know how to have fun, both on and off the job. For example, last year we organized a Global Happy Hour that involved offices all around the world. It was a blast! We also believe in giving back to our local communities; we have an annual Global Day of Impact where team members donate a day of their company paid time to local environmental or social projects.

What can we expect in the future from the combination of Podio with Citrix?

Expect continued great experiences with real-time and asynchronous collaboration using the tools we provide to help you get work done your way. Plus, we’ll continue to innovate, finding new ways to work better in the cloud. You’ll be part of this – so hang tight as you won’t want to miss any of it.