Article by Eric Shen

Closing out the year with 4 great new integrations  

This has been a great year for Zendesk integrations! We figured we’d keep it light on the heels of all the monkey business that’s been going on with SurveyMonkey and MailChimp. Here are a few unique tools to close out 2013.


Yotpo is a plug and play reviews solution that helps you generate more feedback from your customers. Yotpo automatically emails your customers after you close a ticket to request a review of your service. Yotpo makes it easy for you to share these reviews to your social channels to help drive more visitors to your site and help drive more engagement and conversions.


PlayVox helps make tracking your Zendesk metrics, fun, social, and easy to understand.  Gamify your support team by putting together goals, and track individual and group productivity goals to help make your support team more efficient while having fun. Use the insights from PlayVox to help motivate, coach, reward, or send messages to your agents.


HelpIQ is an easy to use tool for creating and managing online documentation and user guides. By using the HelpIQ for Zendesk search app, you can easily access your HelpIQ content when working on Zendesk tickets and provide links to documentation located there. You can even push out a long winded reply to a help topic in HelpIQ and edit the entry before posting the final version as a formal piece of documentation for your community to consume.


AWeber is a email marketing tool built for simpler, faster email marketing. With the latest Aweber for Zendesk app, quickly view information about a ticket requester from AWeber. Are they subscribed to any lists? Associated to any ad tracking campaigns? How about the last products they have purchased or promotions they have received? Find all of these details as you’re working on your Zendesk tickets and use the information from AWeber to give your customers the best experience possible.+

Check out all of the great Zendesk integrations