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Project Fi: Find your Bill Protection data level

Your Project Fi plan includes Bill Protection. This means you'll pay $10/GB for data until you reach your data level. Any data you use after that is free. Your data level depends on the number of active people on your plan. Individual 2 members 3 members 4 members 5...

Project Fi creates its own version of an unlimited plan

Google’s Project Fi has tweaked its plans to make the service more attractive to heavy data users. The MVNO has launched a new feature called Bill Protection that will cap your $10 per GB data bill at $60 a month, while still allowing you to use as much data as you...

What Is Project Fi, and Is It Worth It?

Google already makes the OS for your smartphone and, for some of us, makes the phone itself. And if you sign up for Project Fi, the tech giant can provide the cellular service for that phone, too. Project Fi launched in 2015, as an alternate wireless carrier for...


As FlashRouters has stressed again and again, factory installed backdoors and frequently re-occurring bugs make routers with default firmware undesirable for use. Consequently, this is why FlashRouters advocates using alternative, Open Source firmware. Accordingly,...