Windows 10 Is a Clear Winner

If you look up all the complaints about Windows 10 thus far, with only a few exceptions, the objections are minor if not completely unimportant. The only substantial grouse is about the continuous auto-updates, which can often overwrite a specialty driver necessary...

37 Secrets Only Successful People Know

The business of business isn’t really all that complicated. While there is, of course, specific knowledge required for specific industries, this post encapsulates everything that you’ll need to know to survive and thrive in the business world. The lists...

Windows 10, Day Two

Two days ago, I promised to upgrade my personal desktop and laptop to Windows 10, to demonstrate how wonderful or terrible the migration from Windows 8 might be. Yesterday, I was surprised how painless it felt. Today, I’m feeling a little pain. It started off...

How To Deal With Frustrated Customers

From Freshbooks It’s the best of jobs, it’s the worst of jobs. While talking to customers can be fun, for most support agents life is long stretches of time spent answering the questions over and over (and over) again; enough to suck the enthusiasm out of even the...

iOS vs Android: The 2015 Edition

It’s been 7 years, and the great iOS vs Android debate rumbles on—in internet forums and real life. But these platforms have come a long way even in the last year or two. Do the old arguments still apply? What features separate iOS 8.3 from Android 5.1 Lollipop? We...