by ray | Aug 13, 2015 | Cloud Tools, Google, Google Workspace
Google “Cloud Accounting” and you’ll likely get a list of articles, apps and consultants promising a better life with a switch to the cloud: save time, save money, make your business better – it’s essentially the best invention since the abacus. The fact is a switch...
by ray | Aug 13, 2015 | SEO, Social Media, Tech News
Everyone gets overwhelmed sometimes. I think this happens even more with freelancers and self-employed professionals. And, I don’t know about you, but all the responsibilities have a way of stressing me out. So, the last thing I need? Additional stress from social...
by ray | Aug 13, 2015 | Cloud Tools, Google, Google Workspace
Ever tried to set up online payments? As it turns out, what should be a simple task is actually quite the nightmare. Whether it’s choosing the right payments company for your billing habits, figuring out how to navigate the complicated maze of setup forms, creating...
by ray | Aug 10, 2015 | Cloud Tools, Security
The Apple Watch could become our central hub in a wheel of identity, in which all spokes rotate around our wrist. Some early Watch apps already have a high degree of utility. But we’re only scratching the surface of what’s to come. In this roundup, we look at six apps...
by ray | Aug 10, 2015 | Social Media, Tech News
Facebook is giving businesses more reasons to use Facebook Messenger to reach customers. Businesses using the site now have more ways to send private messages, through Messenger, to Facebook users who interact with businesses’ pages or ads. Previously, businesses...
by ray | Aug 10, 2015 | Cloud Tools, Social Media
Google has finally finished up a Material Design overhaul of Hangouts. The 4.0 update vastly improves the interface, adds more functionality to the floating action button, and more deeply integrates the service with Android Wear. Ironically, a 4.0 update with a...